Caro colega,
A Call para as eleições do Regional Working Group (RWG) do European Regional Office (EuRO) da IPSF para o mandato de 2019/2020 está oficialmente aberta!
Os cargos disponíveis para candidatura são as seguintes:
– Chairperson;
– Secretary;
– Regional Projects Officer (RPO);
– Regional Relations Officer (RRO);
– Regional Media and Publications Officer (RMPO).
As eleições terão lugar durante o 1st European Regional Symposium, que vai decorrer em Varsóvia (Polónia), entre dia 10 e 14 de julho. Na eventualidade de não conseguires estar fisicamente presente no evento, é preciso que estejas por via Skype, para apresentares-te e responder às questões que serão colocadas.
Poderás ainda ler Call, que descreve resumidamente o que cada cargo faz, e se tiveres interessado terás que preencher a Nomination Form, que deve ser preenchida e enviada para secretary@euro.ipsf.org e chairperson@euro.ipsf.org até dia 10 de julho, 23:50 GMT+02.
Se tiveres alguma questão adicional, não hesites em entrar em contacto connosco através do seguinte endereço eletrónico: cp@aefful.pt.
Dear colleague,
The Call for nominees for the IPSF European Regional Office (EuRO) Regional Working Group (RWG) for the 2019/2020 mandate is officially open!
The positions available for application are as follows:
– Chairperson;
– Secretary;
– Regional Projects Officer (RPO);
– Regional Relations Officer (RRO);
– Regional Media and Publications Officer (RMPO).
The elections will happen during the 1st European Regional Symposium, which will take place in Warsaw (Poland) from 10 to 14 July. In case you cannot be physically present at the event, you have to be via Skype, in order to introduce yourself and answer the questions that will be asked.
You can also read Call, which briefly describes what each position does, and if you are interested you need to fill out the Nomination Form, which must be submitted to secretary@euro.ipsf.org and chairperson@euro.ipsf.org no later than 10 July, 23:50 GMT + 02.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us through the following e-mail address: cp@aefful.pt