No dia 28 de fevereiro, a EPSA – European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association vai realizar o Annual Reception, no Parlamento Europeu em Bruxelas, com o tema “Digitalisation in healthcare and its challenges for the pharmaceutical profession: Continuous Professional development as a tool to foster e-health learning for patient centred care”. As inscrições estão abertas!
Haverá também um Side Program de dia 28 de fevereiro a 2 de março com várias atividades para os participantes. As inscrições para o mesmo começam dia 28 de janeiro.
Este evento não tem fee, portanto o alojamento é responsabilidade do participante.
Segue o evento para estar a par das novidades aqui.
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On the 28th of February, EPSA – European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association will organize the Annual Reception, at the European Parliament in Brussels, with the theme “Digitalisation in healthcare and its challenges for the pharmaceutical profession: Continuous Professional development as a tool to foster e-health learning for patient centred care”. Registrations are now open!
There will also be a Side Program from the 28th of February to the 2nd of March with several activities for the participants. Registrations for the Side Program start in 28th of January.
This event doesn’t have a registration fee, so participants are responsible for their accommodation.
Follow this event to know all the news.
Registrate here.
In case you have any question please contact